How Web3 resolves fundamental problems in Web2?

by Mayer

Web3 is an emerging concept that is expected to revolutionize the way the internet works. Unlike its predecessor Web2, which was primarily focused on connecting people and providing them with a platform to share their thoughts and ideas, Web3 is all about creating a decentralized ecosystem that is secure, transparent, and trustless. This new generation of the internet is based on blockchain technology, which eliminates the need for intermediaries and provides a new level of security and privacy. In this article, we will discuss how Web3 resolves fundamental problems in Web2.


One of the most significant issues with Web2 is centralization. Web2 platforms are controlled by a handful of companies that have the power to censor content and manipulate user data. This centralization has led to concerns about data privacy and security, as well as issues related to monopolies.

Web3 addresses this problem by creating a decentralized ecosystem where there is no central authority. Instead, the network is run by a community of users who validate and secure the network. This ensures that there is no single point of failure and eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Lack of Privacy

Another significant issue with Web2 is the lack of privacy. Web2 platforms collect vast amounts of user data, which they use to deliver targeted advertising. This has led to concerns about data privacy and security, as well as issues related to identity theft and fraud.

Web3 addresses this problem by using cryptography to protect user data. Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger, making it impossible for anyone to manipulate or alter the data. Additionally, smart contracts can be used to ensure that user data is only accessible to authorized parties, thus providing users with complete control over their data.


Trust is a fundamental problem in Web2. Users have to trust the platforms they use, and they have to trust the intermediaries that are involved in their transactions. This has led to issues related to fraud, hacking, and theft.

Web3 addresses this problem by creating a trustless ecosystem. Blockchain technology eliminates the need for intermediaries and ensures that all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger. This ensures that there is no central authority and that all parties can trust the network.


Interoperability is a significant problem in Web2. Different platforms use different protocols, which makes it difficult for users to interact with each other. This has led to issues related to fragmentation and silos.

Web3 addresses this problem by creating a standardized protocol that can be used by all platforms. This protocol ensures that all platforms can communicate with each other, regardless of the technology they use.


Scalability is a significant problem in Web2. As more users join the network, the system becomes slower and less efficient. This has led to issues related to congestion and delays.

Web3 addresses this problem by using sharding and other scaling solutions. Sharding involves breaking down the network into smaller, more manageable parts, which can be processed more efficiently. Additionally, other scaling solutions, such as layer two solutions and off-chain transactions, can be used to ensure that the network remains fast and efficient, even as more users join.


Web2 platforms have been known to create monopolies, where a few large companies dominate the market and control the flow of information. This can have negative consequences on innovation, competition, and the overall health of the ecosystem.

Web3 addresses this problem by promoting decentralization and encouraging competition. Since there is no central authority, anyone can participate in the network and create their own decentralized applications (dApps) that can run on the blockchain. This creates a more level playing field, where innovation is rewarded and competition is encouraged.

Lack of Transparency

Web2 platforms often lack transparency, which can lead to issues related to accountability and trust. Users are often unsure about how their data is being used, who has access to it, and how it is being protected.

Web3 addresses this problem by providing transparency at every level of the network. Since all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger, anyone can access the information and verify the authenticity of the data. Additionally, smart contracts can be used to create self-executing agreements that are transparent and enforceable.


Web2 platforms are known to censor content, either due to government regulations, community guidelines, or corporate policies. This can lead to issues related to free speech, creativity, and expression.

Web3 addresses this problem by creating a censorship-resistant ecosystem. Since there is no central authority, it is impossible to censor or manipulate the data on the blockchain. Additionally, decentralized storage solutions can be used to ensure that content is always available, even if it is censored on traditional platforms.

Lack of Ownership

Web2 platforms often take ownership of user data, content, and intellectual property. This can lead to issues related to control, ownership, and monetization.

Web3 addresses this problem by providing users with complete ownership and control over their data, content, and intellectual property. Since all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger, users can prove ownership and control access to their assets. Additionally, decentralized marketplaces can be used to monetize content and intellectual property, without the need for intermediaries.

Energy Consumption

Web2 platforms are known to consume a significant amount of energy, which can have negative consequences on the environment and the economy. This is especially true for platforms that rely on data centers and centralized servers.

Web3 addresses this problem by using more energy-efficient technologies, such as proof-of-stake (PoS) and other consensus mechanisms. PoS uses significantly less energy than proof-of-work (PoW), which is used in most Web2 platforms. Additionally, Web3 platforms can leverage renewable energy sources and other sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint.


Web3 is a powerful concept that has the potential to revolutionize the internet as we know it. By addressing fundamental problems in Web2, such as centralization, lack of privacy, trust, interoperability, scalability, monopolies, lack of transparency, censorship, lack of ownership, and energy consumption, Web3 is creating a more secure, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem. As Web3 continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see more use cases emerge, as well as new innovations that will further advance the technology.

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